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Young superman has a lot of angst
Published on September 9, 2003 By Calor In Movies & TV & Books
When we last left of, 16 year old Clark Kent had just caused the death of the Kent's ownborn child. But as if that weren't enough, he voluntarily put on a class ring with red kryptonite on it which tends to make him not such a nice guy and fled to Metropolis.

Meanwhile, Lex Luthor's plane had gone down somewhere without us knowing who had caused the crash.

How will Clark recover from all this? How does Lex make it back? That's the big question and it's going to be interesting to see how they resolve this in the epic 2 parter due to start on October 1 on the WB.

I've been waiting all summer to see this. I visit this site: to see what spoilers have managed to leak out. Smallville is my guilty pleasure show. I really like it even though it's pretty mindless fun. I bet I'm not alone though!
on Sep 18, 2003
on Dec 09, 2003
I really hope that Smallville goes on because it's a great show and I know that this season there will be a Smallville!!!!!!