An alternative view on life, politics, and computers
The wealthy delude themselves into thinking they personally create wealth
Published on November 19, 2003 By Calor In Politics

    What is it with rich people and their greed? Obviously it takes some sort of love of money to make someone work so hard at accumulating material wealth. But they lose sight of the bigger picture: Life. You really see that when they bitch about taxes. Oh, the poor rich guy who makes $300,000. He's going to lose half of it to taxes. Oh boo-hoo. That's only $150,000 left. How can he live on that?

    Tax moaners, especially on the right, give lip service to the founding fathers. Back then, there were no income taxes. And that is about as deep as the right will go in looking at how things were back then. But a lot has changed since then. The change-over from an agrarian society to an industrial and now information society has changed the face of our nation. On the family farm, two, even three generations of Americans lived in the same household. If someone got sick, the other family members took care of him or her. When they grew old or were injured, the other members of the family made up for the loss and took care of that individual. And if times were tough, well, you wouldn't starve because each farm was largely self-sufficient.

    Not too many Americans live on a family farm. In fact, not too many Americans share their home with 2 other generations of their family. In an industrial society where 95% of the population lives in an urban environment, those workers don't have someone at home who can necessarily take care of them if they get sick or injured or grow old. But companies still need those workers.

    The well kept secret of the right is the Achilles heel of their tax bitching argument, they need that bottom 90% of society to make them rich in the first place. Bill Gates isn't writing Windows, thousands of his minions are. Steve Forbes doesn't write, manufacture, and distribute his uppity magazine, his thousands of drones do. And those drones, to be effective, need a great deal of infrastructure underneath them to be as productive as they are. Without social security, without Medicare, without those other programs the right complains about, millions of Americans would not necessarily be sick and dying. Instead, companies would be burdened with greater requirements for retirement, healthcare, and so forth. Either that or more Americans would be sick and dying on the streets. In the former case, costs would be higher because individual companies lack the clout of the federal government, in the latter case the American work force, the bulk of it made up of only somewhat killed labor, would be less effective at best or looking for a new government at worst.

    The next time you see some rich guy complain about his taxes, remind him that while he may not personally be benefiting directly from what those taxes do, his minions are and it isn't he that is creating his wealth, it's his minions that are. Rich people too often delude themselves into thinking that they are the wealth creators. They aren't. It's the people doing the actual labor who are creating that wealth. The rich guy is merely the one directing it. Crucial no doubt but well compensated for that cruciality. They need to be reminded who is America and that our government, of the people, by the people has evolved based on the changing dynamics of American society.


Comments (Page 2)
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on Nov 20, 2003
I just want to be one of those rich that bitch about their taxes. Right now, I'm not rich enough to bitch about it. Well, I whine, but really can't bitch right now. However, I do feel that if I work hard enough, I can be one who can truly bitch about my taxes. After I work my ass off to make the best life possible for my family, it just seems right that the government should take more of my money so that I have to work harder to have the same outcome. Otherwise, I could just sit on my lazy ass and reap the rewards from the others who work their asses off since that would be easier.

BTW, I always find it funny how people make it sound like it's bad to be like Bill Gates. I wish everyone was like Bill Gates. (If you are clueless of what I mean, maybe you should check out how much money he has donated to different causes. And, no, not all that money would have been paid out in taxes otherwise.) Damn Bill Gates and all that money that he makes! Who cares that he gives billions away to charity, right? Or, what about the jobs that he has created? Damn rich people.
on Nov 20, 2003
I think a major reason why "drones" make so much less than the "puppet masters" is that the drones are expendable, and can probably be replaced by robots, whereas the puppet masters aren't. Anybody can work a register at McDonald's, but how many people could orchestrate the business competently?
on Nov 20, 2003
Reply By: Messy Buu Posted: Thursday, November 20, 2003

I think a major reason why "drones" make so much less than the "puppet masters" is that the drones are expendable, and can probably be replaced by robots, whereas the puppet masters aren't. Anybody can work a register at McDonald's, but how many people could orchestrate the business competently?

everyone can agree there is some "movie star effect" in corporations: you can switch the caterers in a movie without much happening to movie revenue, but switching out julia roberts and stephen spielberg for some no name actress and a recent film school graduate will have a major negative impact. but wages haven't really increased that much even though americans are more and more productive, while at the same time ceo salaries increases are magnitudes of order higher relative to past incomes. are modern ceos really that more effective than in the past? plus, examples where a ceo heads does a bad job, does layoffs, the stock still drops like a rock, and then gets fired with a $x million sendoff doesn't help send a positive message. "drones" can't help but feel, "hey, -I- could run the company into the ground just as easily! where's my millions?"
on Nov 20, 2003
True, there are bad CEOs out there, but there are just as many bad drones out there. It reminds me of that episode of the Simpsons where Homer tries to show the teamsters that he's even lazier than they.
on Nov 21, 2003
as someone who is definitely in the top 5% tax band I think labeling me a communist is very funny! Do you ever make logical arguments or do you always resort to name calling for your arguments? I like my money. I like the fact I can earn my money. I don't like paying taxes, but heh I understand why I have to pay them. If my tax system was implemented I'd probably end up paying a bit more, but at least I'd know everyone was paying fairly. As I tried to explain, for me the fairness of the system is more important. There are potential holes in my sort of tax system though. Use your brain and go find them. Tell me why my system would not work instead of trying to insult me. You may find that you actually like debating instead of insulting.

on Nov 21, 2003
How is it fair for the top 5% to pay most of the taxes?

I don't like hijacking of words like "fair". There's nothing "fair" about one person paying 33% of their taxes to the federal government and another paying 0% when both receive the same federal services (in fact, the guy paying 33% is possibly getting less).
on Nov 21, 2003

Every statement of yours begins with “get your facts strait” or “I wish you would check your facts before you post,” its beginning to burn my biscuit. Maybe you don’t understand how you got to where you are, or just inherited it? What happens if you have to set up a huge data base with thousands of clients, would you ask the secretary to do it? A secretary should not have any problem adding new clients to a pre existing data base, guess what, that makes you the boss, and the secretary subordinate. You drive on the same damn road, see it with the same light all the same municipalities and services as people on welfare only you are expected to pay for everything. A modern day Mark Anthony falling on his sword, or a Damocles’ to frightened to bear the responsibility’s of being in charge, you need to be punished for your ambition and desire to make something of yourself, you prefer a system of unfair taxation. You applaud a bunch of hooligan malcontent ne’er do wells pulling down a paper Mache statue of President Bush, and then decry sane and rational policies such as a war against terrorism.
on Nov 23, 2003
The problem with rich people is that they think their wealth is purely because of themselves.

I wonder why there aren't very many successful people in the Congo. Perhaps just maybe the government involved matters.
on Nov 28, 2003

That is fair point, wealth doesn't come by itself. A working force is required in order to make it grow. Sustaining economic growth would probably require an environment that provide basics to its population. Health, eduction, and social protection in general are extremely important to be sure that people work properly. As personnal wealth comes necessarly from a combination of personal work, work of other people and infrastructure. You protect your investissement on the long term by providing this facilities. The cheapest way is still do it through taxation because the state would provide this fairly and without wasting money into stupid competition. (ie. the USA is the first spender by far in the world for the health, but manage to let millions without any protection, where other country like canada or european countries spend less and provide good quality coverage for everybody)

It's quiet easy to complain about money that you pay taxation, for a lot of people it's just not easy to have enough money to afford that.
on Dec 27, 2003
they should get rid of all there money.Give it to cherity. Do something productive with it.Don't be so fuckin greedy.
on Dec 27, 2003
destiny, do you get rid of all your money? People who are wealthy get called greedy whether they are or not. Bill Gates is a good example of someone who will always be called greedy but he gives millions to charity. Just because you're wealthy doesn't mean you're greedy just like being poor doesn't mean you're not greedy.
on Jan 06, 2004
What a bunch of yaya! I am rich and like most rich people who develop businesses and opportunities to sustain themselves, it is WE that create wealth. The "minions" as you call them create nothing. We pay the salaries to keep the wheels of our society churning. If we were not proactive in making money, there would be less opportunity for wealth creation. So when we "bitch" as you call it about tax breaks they are valid gripes. If it weren't for my money creating the vision which led to the oportunity, creating the jobs that sustain the economy, taxes would most likely be higher along with unemployment, welfare, crime, etc.
I think for creating value more than wealth, I deserve more of a tax break.
on Jan 08, 2004
Do you know any one who get's paid by a poor person.
on Jan 18, 2004
>>Reply To: jack Posted: Thursday, January 08, 2004
>>Do you know any one who get's paid by a poor person.

That's easy. A politician of the Democratic Party.

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