An alternative view on life, politics, and computers
Obama and Clinton and scorched earth
Published on April 28, 2008 By Calor In Democrat

Despite the Republicans doing nothing but damaging the economy, ruining the reputation of the United States across the world and getting us into a disastrous war in Iraq, the Democrats may still lose the Presidency.

Obama needs to take the bold step and tell the American people the real facts that conservative America have distorted of the years.

We don't live in a democracy or a republic. We live in a corporate controlled obliarchy. The laws and rules are set up to ensure that a tiny percentage of the American people control and own most of the wealth generated by us all.

Obama is surrounded by people who know this truth and the right wingers are managing to pick out a few of the less savory. But the common belief is there: The United States of today is a country with serious fundamental problems. America needs to be fixed and rebuilt from the ground up. That is the basis for the progressive movement.

The last 8 years have been a disaster. The Bush tax cut for the rich has put unprecedented amounts of wealth into the wealthiest of the elite. I've seen right wingers claim how it's not a tax cut for the rich because it was a simple across the board tax decrease. They miss the point. Why is it that 1% of the population is receiving nearly a third of the wealth being generated each year? How is that fair and balanced? How is that equitable?

We now live in a country where the new rich are not people making or building things but instead are people who are manipulating currencies, managing money of other people, or simply latched onto groups of people actually making things. How did we come to this?

And all the while, the conservatives begrudge any attempt to provide every American with at least some basic health care. What about catastrohpic health insurance for every man, woman, or child? Nope, the Republicans want that money to pay for big SUVs and gigantic houses I guess. 

As Republicans go, John McCain isn't nearly as bad as most of the right wing ilk. But he's still promising to make the disastrous Bush tax cuts permanent and keeping our troops in Iraq for an indefinite period. So the idea that he could be President is appalling.

Hopefully Obama will pull things together, get Clinton to go quietly into the sunset and bring this country together this November.

Comments (Page 3)
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on May 24, 2008
Nice, always good to show sexism and racism when trying to debate, nice.

I showed no racism or sexism - but you did. You think that only WASP males can be criticized, and so show your extreme prejudice every day. I criticize fairly and equally. None of my statements are either, but your immediate - and erroneous - jumping to that conclusion shows your own bigotry and intolerance.
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