An alternative view on life, politics, and computers
When did conservatives lose their way?
Published on June 9, 2005 By Calor In Politics

Listen to Rush Limbaugh or any prominent "conservative" these days with an open mind and you'll start to notice a change in what they're all about.  It's not about principles. It's about winning. Period.

The Republicans control the house, the senate, and the Presidency. They've got everything they want. And what are they doing with it? Squandering it.  What ever happened to all the big, principled ideas that the right always claimed they had? Remember the Contract with America? How they doing on that? Line-Item veto? Has Bush ever used it? Did it get passed? Dunno. Term limits for congressman? Nope. Balancing the budget? HA.

Instead what we're witnessing is a feeding frenzy at the trough of government waste. Pork barrel spending has reached record highs according to a study by Heritage foundation, no lefty think-tank there. Most of the energy has been spent trying to shoe horn religious fundamentalist judges in. You would think that the Democrats were blocking all of Bush's judges. But of the hundreds of judges put before the senate, all but a handful have gone through.

Republicans and conservatives bristle when progressive refer to international law and the United Nations as a source of thought and wisdom. Fine. But many people in our country bristle at the bible being the source of widsom and insight used by unelected judges.

When Republicans aren't blowing their opportunities by wasting time on a handful of judges, they're torpedoing their future opportunities by trying to mess around with social security. Social security might have problems in 50 years if we do nothing at all? Woe is us. The current deficit, the one we have TODAY is something we should be more worried about. Worrying about a deficit 50 years from now while ignoring a large one in the present is ludicrous.

Meanwhile, the Republicans are so enthralled by big business that they've ceded much of our industrial base to "Red" China. It's ironic that the Republicans who made such a big fuss about the US doing anything with China when Clinton was President have basically surrendered our economic future to them.

Our imports are increasing while our exports are flat.

How bad is our trade deficit these days? You won't hear Rush or any other conservatives talk about it but last year we exported around $30 billion to China while importing nearly $150 billion. Too bad we can't count exported jobs as an export, our balance might not be so bad.  We export nearly as much to South Korea as we do to all of China.

The Republicans claim to stand for a lot of things. Talk is cheap. When it comes to action, the Republicans are becomingly transparently the party of greed. Worse, they're getting so smug about winning that they're overreaching. The "in your face" attitude we're seeing from congress is going to cost them. If in 2008 we're electing President Hillary, the Republicans will have no one to blame but themselves.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jun 10, 2005
Or, why can't the left accept that they lost, or the right accept that they won? ;~D

Because it was the equivalent of a midly retarded guy beating a guy who left school after 6th grade at a spelling bee. Also, Kerry's ineptitude was overtly embarrassing as the world watched the Democrats get their asses handed to them.

When did conservatives lose their way?

This question should be when did politics become so easy?
on Jun 10, 2005
I love seeing the lefties get slammed back into their chairs

--Yep, nothin like it...

This question should be when did politics become so easy

--I'd say around 1858 or so, i think both the parties and polotics changed dramatically then, radical republicans received huge support from the blacks,as they promised their freedom, democrats were against it...after wards their was a ovehaul of both parties and it seemed that the ideaologies flip-flopped...
on Jun 10, 2005
"..after wards their was a ovehaul of both parties and it seemed that the ideaologies flip-flopped."

Wherein Democrats started buying votes with social programs; creating a new era of political serfdom sans work...
on Jun 10, 2005
Wherein Democrats started buying votes with social programs; creating a new era of political serfdom sans work...

on Jun 11, 2005
And you people wonder why conservatives are stereo-typed as being ingorant hicks.  You equate insults to a reasoned debate. The only one even trying is Bakerstreet. The rest of you just playing a game of pile on.
on Jun 11, 2005
And you people wonder why conservatives are stereo-typed as being ingorant hicks. You equate insults to a reasoned debate. The only one even trying is Bakerstreet. The rest of you just playing a game of pile on.

You're absolutely correct. Everyone knows that none of the liberals ever resort to insults, name calling, or emotional rhetoric.

Both sides are guilty of grade school behavior in many "discussions". But then, if people in this country ever started actually discussing issues instead of name calling and finger pointing things might actually get resolved. That would be very bad for the ones who make their living on political special interests and on being a talking head.
on Jun 11, 2005
And you people wonder why conservatives are stereo-typed as being ingorant hicks. You equate insults to a reasoned debate. The only one even trying is Bakerstreet. The rest of you just playing a game of pile on.

Who you calling hick Jethro? My post said more against the Contract with America than anything else, but because I disagreed with your article, you dive onto the pile yourself.

Welcome to the "insults = reason" club. I nominate you as the head jester! Do I get a second?
on Jun 12, 2005
And you people wonder why conservatives are stereo-typed as being ingorant hicks. You equate insults to a reasoned debate. The only one even trying is Bakerstreet. The rest of you just playing a game of pile on.

This one made me laugh. If your article had an ounce of factual information in it, there would have been something to "debate". Nonetheless, ericseba's comments got an insightful from me.

on Jun 12, 2005
And you people wonder why conservatives are stereo-typed as being ingorant hicks. You equate insults to a reasoned debate. The only one even trying is Bakerstreet. The rest of you just playing a game of pile on

--When have i insulted any one...
on Jun 12, 2005

This one made me laugh. If your article had an ounce of factual information in it, there would have been something to "debate". Nonetheless, ericseba's comments got an insightful from me.

I guess that makes two of us laughing. Laughing as your poor reading comprehension. No factual information in it at all? Unlike most of you right wingers I provided a link to US trade deficit information and showed how the trade deficit with China has gotten completely out of hand while Bush has done nothing about it. Blaming Clinton still? That's just so sad. You guys will be blaming Clinton 50 years from now. Get over it. Bush has been in office half a decade. He has had plenty of time to force China to play by fair rules like not pegging their currency to ours to have an unfair pricing advantage.

on Jun 12, 2005
"showed how the trade deficit with China has gotten completely out of hand while Bush has done nothing about it. "

There's where you slip up. Bush has constantly been at odds with China, and has been exponentially harder on them than Clinton.

Trade is a two-way street. All those "imports" you keep mourning are not sold to us by Chinese companies, they are bought by American companies and then resold to us. In addition, we export billions of dollars of material to China, and they can seriously harm OUR industry by closing the valve.

When we make it more expensive to buy Chinese goods, they do the same back to us. Then, American companies that SELL Chinese goods suffer, and American companies that sell TO the Chinese suffer. A trade war isn't something that makes people happy.

You also overlook the fact that trade agreements, when the pig-headed nation in question agrees to one, must be approved by a 2/3 vote in Congress. Have you ever noticed who bullies and blockades trade agreements? Congressional pawns of trade unions, i.e. Democrats.

IF you could get all that to line up, and we imposed our will upon the Chinese, they'd also cut their import. Between lack of Chinese stuff to sell and lack of their importing our goods, our unemployment rate would hit 10%+ the next month.

Then, you'd be right here complaining that Bush is torpedoing the economy by not being diplomatic enough with China. Politics is a funny thing.
on Jun 12, 2005

#27 by Calor
Sunday, June 12, 2005

This one made me laugh. If your article had an ounce of factual information in it, there would have been something to "debate". Nonetheless, ericseba's comments got an insightful from me.

I guess that makes two of us laughing. Laughing as your poor reading comprehension. No factual information in it at all? Unlike most of you right wingers I provided a link to US trade deficit information and showed how the trade deficit with China has gotten completely out of hand while Bush has done nothing about it. Blaming Clinton still? That's just so sad. You guys will be blaming Clinton 50 years from now. Get over it. Bush has been in office half a decade. He has had plenty of time to force China to play by fair rules like not pegging their currency to ours to have an unfair pricing advantage.

So stick reply #28 in your pipe and smoke it!
on Jun 13, 2005

And you people wonder why conservatives are stereo-typed as being ingorant hicks. You equate insults to a reasoned debate. The only one even trying is Bakerstreet. The rest of you just playing a game of pile on.

Pointing out falacies in ones logic is not piling on.  It is called debating.  Have you tried it lately?

on Jun 13, 2005

I guess that makes two of us laughing. Laughing as your poor reading comprehension.

I was thinking that of liberals since they cannot stay on topic or debate anything but hate speech.

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