An alternative view on life, politics, and computers
Published on April 19, 2004 By Calor In TV Shows

Lionel seems to be coming closer to learning Clark's secret, and goes to Dr. Swann for help. Meanwhile, it seems that Jonathan is somehow communicating with Jor-El, and the consequences of the deal the two of them made are coming to the forefront.

Blech. Nothing special. It has Christopher Reeve in it which is good. But it just didn't really go anywhere. Raises lots of questions but not very self contained.

on Apr 19, 2004
I like it, just because it gives me more to think about (I also thought I was the only person on this site that did Smallville reviews ), also, Lionel doesn't have the time to find out Clark's secret. Lex is going to get his memory back in the upcoming episodes, and Lionel is already dying... I'm predicting Lex is mere episodes away from killing Lionel himself.
on Apr 20, 2004
That could be the case. It might not but it's possible. I don't care who finds out as long as I can find time to watch it more often. I like the show a lot but I just can't seem to find time to watch it. Could you guys keep me updated? I would really apreciate it!

Capt. over and out!