An alternative view on life, politics, and computers
Stick with the issues
Published on September 13, 2004 By Calor In Democrat

     Does anyone really care that much about what Bush or Kerry was doing 35 years ago? Yes, it looks like the CBS memos are forged. So what though, it doesn't change the fact that Bush was a goof off during his National Guard time. But will that change anybody's vote? I doubt it.

     What do these two men offer for our future? Bush wants to solve our growing health care costs with "private accounts" for health care. I guess these are supposed to be like our IRAs. Kerry believes that health care is something our government should provide. 

    Both seem to have similar feelings about what we should do about Iraq. Now that Bush has gotten us into this poorly planned mess, Kerry wants to begin withdrawing our troops within the next 4 years. Bush says we'll stay in that terrorist recruitment center for "as long as it takes".

    Bush doesn't seem to care at all about our budget deficits. Half a trillion dollars? No problemo. Let the pork fly.  Kerry at least is likely to bring spending growth back to where it was during the Clinton years and raise taxes on the wealthy to try to stem the deficit. I guess the wealthy may have to wait an extra year to buy that summer home or boat. I think it wiser to stem the deficit.

     Bush's advisors have made outsourcing not seem like a big deal. Sure, everything's made in China. It's cheaper. Great for us. Tell that to the millions of Americans trading in good jobs for being Walmart greeters. Kerry wants to put a stop to this.

     Bush thinks we can go it alone. He thinks it's 1944ish. Their convention was based on that premise. It's not 1944. It's 2004 and the United States, the most powerful country in the world, cannot fight terrorism on its own. It needs to work with other nations. Nations that have their own concerns and priorities. Would it really have been the end of the world to have given the inspectors another 6 months in order to get France and Germany and other allies on our side?

     I think the choice is clear. But I don't think looking back 35 years helps make that choice.

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