An alternative view on life, politics, and computers
Stick with the issues
Published on September 13, 2004 By Calor In Democrat

     Does anyone really care that much about what Bush or Kerry was doing 35 years ago? Yes, it looks like the CBS memos are forged. So what though, it doesn't change the fact that Bush was a goof off during his National Guard time. But will that change anybody's vote? I doubt it.

     What do these two men offer for our future? Bush wants to solve our growing health care costs with "private accounts" for health care. I guess these are supposed to be like our IRAs. Kerry believes that health care is something our government should provide. 

    Both seem to have similar feelings about what we should do about Iraq. Now that Bush has gotten us into this poorly planned mess, Kerry wants to begin withdrawing our troops within the next 4 years. Bush says we'll stay in that terrorist recruitment center for "as long as it takes".

    Bush doesn't seem to care at all about our budget deficits. Half a trillion dollars? No problemo. Let the pork fly.  Kerry at least is likely to bring spending growth back to where it was during the Clinton years and raise taxes on the wealthy to try to stem the deficit. I guess the wealthy may have to wait an extra year to buy that summer home or boat. I think it wiser to stem the deficit.

     Bush's advisors have made outsourcing not seem like a big deal. Sure, everything's made in China. It's cheaper. Great for us. Tell that to the millions of Americans trading in good jobs for being Walmart greeters. Kerry wants to put a stop to this.

     Bush thinks we can go it alone. He thinks it's 1944ish. Their convention was based on that premise. It's not 1944. It's 2004 and the United States, the most powerful country in the world, cannot fight terrorism on its own. It needs to work with other nations. Nations that have their own concerns and priorities. Would it really have been the end of the world to have given the inspectors another 6 months in order to get France and Germany and other allies on our side?

     I think the choice is clear. But I don't think looking back 35 years helps make that choice.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Sep 13, 2004
Would it really have been the end of the world to have given the inspectors another 6 months in order to get France and Germany and other allies on our side?

Multiple French and Germany politicians have said it would not have mattered if we had given them a year. They would not have joined us anyway. Then letting our troops sit in the desert until the next cool season would have been too exspensive and attacking in mid summer would have been idiotic.

Tell that to the millions of Americans trading in good jobs for being Walmart greeters. Kerry wants to put a stop to this.

Please enlighten us on Kerry's plan. So far the only plan he has put forward about moving jobs anywhere, is to move high paying pharmaceutical jobs to Canada. At least Bush has stopped the US Steel industry from going under (along with the jobs). I think Kerry can start by telling his wife to return all those jobs she moved to Mexico the last few years. If he can't get his wife to return jobs, how is he going to get others to do so?.

Kerry believes that health care is something our government should provide.

Check out the Kerry04 web site and you will see his only health care plan is to force insurance companies to lower the deductibles for health insurance by $1000.00. But that will only force them to raise the cost of the plans to make up the difference, even for the people who will not be using the deductibles and are very healthy, will be forced to pay for the difference of those who use it every month. Another taking from the healthy (people who generaly keep themselve in shape (some exspetions))and give to the sick program. He has no plan to involve the Government. Check it out man, everything is on his website (or what there is not of it).

Sorry, I got to go to class, I'll continue to pick your post apart when I return. So many false statements from the Kerry Camp. to shot down and not enough time to do it.

My Two Cents
on Sep 13, 2004
"I guess the wealthy may have to wait an extra year to buy that summer home or boat."

I guess the thousands of people involved in manufacturing that boat, or building and selling and mortgaging that summer house, will also have to wait. Granted, they'll be waiting for groceries, but hell, the deficit will be lower.

Punish the rich, encourage them to stash their money away, not reinvest, not buy luxury items, not start businesses, not employ people. Then weep and whine about unemployment and the horrors or outsourcing and the various wastelands that used to be rich ground for investment but now are barren.

Maybe people will use their unemployment checks to start businesses and create jobs. You never know...

on Sep 13, 2004
What do these two men offer for our future? Bush wants to solve our growing health care costs with "private accounts" for health care. I guess these are supposed to be like our IRAs. Kerry believes that health care is something our government should provide.

Socialism leads to bigger government and Communism, hooray!!!

Bush doesn't seem to care at all about our budget deficits. Half a trillion dollars? No problemo. Let the pork fly. Kerry at least is likely to bring spending growth back to where it was during the Clinton years and raise taxes on the wealthy to try to stem the deficit. I guess the wealthy may have to wait an extra year to buy that summer home or boat. I think it wiser to stem the deficit.

Good thing it won't affect the Kerry Family taxes, the last thing they need to do is pay more taxes.

Bush thinks we can go it alone. He thinks it's 1944ish. Their convention was based on that premise. It's not 1944. It's 2004 and the United States, the most powerful country in the world, cannot fight terrorism on its own. It needs to work with other nations. Nations that have their own concerns and priorities. Would it really have been the end of the world to have given the inspectors another 6 months in order to get France and Germany and other allies on our side?

About 5,000 more American/British/Australian Soldiers lost to chemical attacks, six months would have been all that Saddam needed to produce enough weapons to attack with, last time we let a perceived threat slide, they crashed planes into this building, you may have heard of it, the World Trade Center, and this other building, you may have heard of it also, the Pentagon, better to take out the threat than just sit and wait for the attack to begin on you.

Saddam had the methods and facilities in place ready to be switched over, but because Bush acted faster than previous Presidents, he could not stall enough to get the chemicals into production without further hurting his chances of someday taking back the nation, not to mention Syria got a good chunk of what Saddam was brewing when the ultimatum was issued.

I know the common line Saddam was no threat, well neither was Osama to Clinton, but that sure as hell proved us wrong did it not?

And yes we are dealing with Iran, which agreed to the sanctions, and North Korea, which we have China, South Korea, Japan, and the U.S. involved with the deals.

Go ahead fire away, for I am ready to load up more rounds in the 155mm Howitzer.

on Sep 14, 2004
Bush thinks we can go it alone. He thinks it's 1944ish. Their convention was based on that premise. It's not 1944. It's 2004 and the United States, the most powerful country in the world, cannot fight terrorism on its own. It needs to work with other nations. Nations that have their own concerns and priorities.

This statement alone is proof enough for me that you don't know what you are talking about and are therefore safely ignored. At no time in 1944 was the US going it alone. The ignorance in your implication is astounding to me.

Try reading about what Eisenhower did in 1944 if you want to believe that we did not have to cooperate with other nations (oh, that's right...he is a Republican so therefore does not count).

Maybe you meant that we where going it alone because the countries of Germany and France where not allied with us at the time. These are apparently the only allies you will accept as valid.
on Sep 14, 2004

I guess the thousands of people involved in manufacturing that boat, or building and selling and mortgaging that summer house, will also have to wait. Granted, they'll be waiting for groceries, but hell, the deficit will be lower.
Punish the rich, encourage them to stash their money away, not reinvest, not buy luxury items, not start businesses, not employ people. Then weep and whine about unemployment and the horrors or outsourcing and the various wastelands that used to be rich ground for investment but now are barren.
Maybe people will use their unemployment checks to start businesses and create jobs. You never know...

Didn't realize raising taxes on the rich would cause boat makers to starve..well we better not do that. Would hate to destroy the boat industry. You really think even a small raise in taxes on the rich is gonna cause them to panic and stash all their cash away and not spend? I sincerely doubt that. Yes, that small hike on people that have more money than they know what to do with will cause the very fabric that holds our country together to shatter into pieces. They will take the money they have and hide away in the mountains like Bin Laden and not spend a dime of it. If they can't have that boat now..nobody is gonna have it!
on Sep 14, 2004
What I find funny is that people want to raise the taxes for the rich (or roll them back), but it's blasphemy to "rollback" the taxes for everybody else. I wonder why.
on Sep 14, 2004

Remember, this recent spat of fighting came from the "Swift boats" campaign. Repubican childishness.

Imagine you're in a dangerous area , with gunfire all around you, and you aren't on Kerry's boat, but somehow you all managed to WATCH HIM and what he was doing all the time? Hmmmmmmm.

Besides, their ringleader has already been impeached by stating that ALL boats took fire, and all of Kerry's men , including the one he saved, support Kerry.

Now, Bush's record , which has been PROVEN faulty ( at least by Michael Moore ) is something else again.

Here's our "leader" who used position and wealth to get out of Vietnam , then didn't report for duty or a physical. That's the Bush way.

You cannot lead where you will not go - and you cannot teach what you don't know.

Bush doesn't lead and he sure can't teach.
on Sep 14, 2004

One more thing -

Let me get this right ; Bush picks up a bullhorn at the WTC site, and suddenly he's a great leader?

Bush profited from his own mistakes.

The Clinton administration warned Bush that Bin laden was going to be his biggest time consumer , the most dangerous.
Add this to the amount of "chatter" by terrorists before the tragedy.

Then, Bush went on vacation and received the infamous memo stating that Bin laden was determined to strike within the USA.

All warnings were ignored as Bush played golf and fished. 9/ 11 did not haVe to happen , and it would have been soooooo easy to
on Sep 14, 2004
The Clinton administration warned Bush that Bin laden was going to be his biggest time consumer , the most dangerous.
Add this to the amount of "chatter" by terrorists before the tragedy.

Good job, let's warn the next guy so it's his problem, instead of dealing with it back in 1998 when the CIA actually KNEW where Bin Laden was.

Apparently the truth would have to smack you in the face and beat the falsities from your freakin' brain.

Fahrenheit 451 has more truth to it than Moore's 9/11, come on it's not a documentary when the person who is the director of the film is always putting his opinions in.

An another thing, the CIA's George Tenet is the one who dropped the ball when it came to the chatter, after all he is the same guy who said that WMDs were there in Iraq, lying to a President of the United States no matter who it was.
on Sep 14, 2004
Another thing, instead of taking all your supposed truth from a opinion based poser documentary, how about research the information from an unbiased source.
on Sep 14, 2004

Bill Clinton bombed Bin Laden's training base. Apparently , Bin Laden was tipped off, because he'd left a half hour earlier.

Micheal Moore had all the facts which were hard to refute, and no one is refuting them. No one has yet. Nor will they.

As for you - all you have to do is search the Internet. Is that too hard for you , or do expect me to do all the work and thinking for you , too?
on Sep 14, 2004
Mike Moore puts his opinions in his movies and there by null and voids the thing being a TRUTHFUL documentary, anybody who does that ruins the documentary, and than they try to pass it off as the truth which is just wrong no matter how you try to justify it.

I will research into the subject and post all the links as soon as I am done.
on Sep 14, 2004
Hmmm nice to know about Missed Opportunites Link

Clinton Let Bin Laden Slip Away and Metastasize Link

How the U.S. Missed a Chance to Get Bin Laden Link

Operation Bojinka's bombshell, Al Qaida preparing with Planes, US Ignored in 1998Link

I think that's enough for now from myself.

Micheal Moore had all the facts which were hard to refute, and no one is refuting them. No one has yet. Nor will they.

Fahrenhype 9/11, Unraveling the Truth about Fahrenheit 9/11 and Michael Moore Link
Apparently Mikey's facts aren't so hard and unrefutable as you would assume.

You know some people shouldn't buy into EVERYTHING they here, because Goebbels used the same technique used by both sides, Republican and Democrat, repeat a lie so much until it becomes the truth, and for some it has, and that's just so sad
on Sep 14, 2004

Reply #8 By: liveletlive - 9/14/2004 2:20:08 PM

Remember, this recent spat of fighting came from the "Swift boats" campaign. Repubican childishness.

Imagine you're in a dangerous area , with gunfire all around you, and you aren't on Kerry's boat, but somehow you all managed to WATCH HIM and what he was doing all the time? Hmmmmmmm.

Besides, their ringleader has already been impeached by stating that ALL boats took fire, and all of Kerry's men , including the one he saved, support Kerry.

Now, Bush's record , which has been PROVEN faulty ( at least by Michael Moore ) is something else again

Michael Moore has proven NOTHING! His movie has been shoot full of holes time and again. The movie has been shown to be full of lies and crap!
on Sep 14, 2004

Reply #12 By: liveletlive - 9/14/2004 3:45:19 PM

Bill Clinton bombed Bin Laden's training base. Apparently , Bin Laden was tipped off, because he'd left a half hour earlier.

Micheal Moore had all the facts which were hard to refute, and no one is refuting them. No one has yet. Nor will they.

As for you - all you have to do is search the Internet. Is that too hard for you , or do expect me to do all the work and thinking for you , too?

I did the research. did you??? I think not! follow the link below. This is from an MSN reporter and as we ALL know MSN is about 3 bubbles left of center,


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