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So Superman is a criminal now eh?
Published on October 3, 2003 By Calor In Movies & TV & Books
I've been waiting for months for the Smallville season premiere and now that's it's come, I don't know what to think. Clark Kent, the Man of Steel, is now a criminal. There's no "reset" in the episode. I can't fathom what the writers were thinking.
When we left young 16 year old Clark Kent, he had accidentally blown up the family barn and in the process killed Ma Kent's unborn child. Depressed, he purposely put on a red Kryptonite ring. This is key because he knew what this would do to him having experienced in the past. He intentionally put on this ring.

The new season picks up 3 months later. He's been in Metropolis commiting crimes of various seriousness. This culminates with a bank robbery he commits. What are we to think of that? He's not under some sort of mind control. He put on that ring on purpose knowing what it would do and he's gone off and commited crimes.
Next episode willl likely conclude with Pa Kent bringing Clark back from the Darkside. But what is done is done. There's no restitution he can do. Is he going to turn himself in? Probably not.
For those who think Clark should be forgiven, ask yourself this: If someone purposely goes and gets high and commits crimes, should they be not held responsible for their actions? Clark's mind wasn't taken over by aliens. He did these things. He is, a criminal. Sure, the police and such don't know it's him. But his parents sure do. These are pretty serious crimes too.

I think they've gone too far. They've crossed a boundary that they shouldn't have crossed.
on Oct 06, 2003
In Superman 3 "evil Superman" caused a global energy shortage which must have cost the world economy billions. He also destroyed lots of property while drunk.
on Dec 28, 2003
I think it adds a good twist..u know..who really is a good guy atl the time? Even as a teen its expected....and with the red kryptonite....he felt major guilty so why not induce something that makes him forget about himself......of course repucussions exist and he figures it out....i dont think the writers crossed the line....they just raised it.