An alternative view on life, politics, and computers
The right plays dirty but more effectively
Published on June 12, 2005 By Calor In Politics

Any non partisan person who visits JoeUser long enough will get the feeling that the site is a right wing leaning site. They'd be right. Part of the reason has to do with many of the better writers here just happen to be conservatives. But another reason is that some of the right wingers act like packs of predators, baiting and chasing off anyone who dares espouse other points of view.

The way they do it is simple, they piss them off. Whenever a progressive post is written, a pack of mean-spirited right wingers will pile on and start insulting, belittleing and putting down what they said. Very rarely are any of the points raised discussed. Instead, those points are dismissed out of hand and the person making the article attacked and smeared.

Eventually the left winger is chased off the site. If they don't leave voluntarily, they eventually get mad and start attacking back. Some of the high profile left of center people here on JU have not played the game well. Wisefawn, Dabe, Myrrander and many other outspoken progressives have let the conservative wolf packs piss them off to the point of losing their cool and playing into their hands ending in banishment or some sort of limited voice.

I think JU's admins need to advertise the blacklist feature more. I also think JU admins need to try to feature more balanced articles. I think many progressives feel frustrated and angry because conservatives get their posts featured more.  I'm not going to fall into the pack's trap. I will just black list and ignore those who just want to personally attack me as a person for writing about things that matter to me that don't fit into their world view. I will also smile inside when I see the next post decrying how 'liberals' are intolerant, unreasonable, hateful because I know that conservatives are just as guilty. I write about things I enjoy on MY blog. And there is no excuse for the personal attacks I saw HERE and HERE.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jun 13, 2005

(OK, now flame me to a crisp )

Why?  We already know you will be assimilated!  Liberal Republican!  mwuhahahahaahah

on Jun 13, 2005
An excellent article, Calor, but I remain unconvinced. Let's ask the Autorantic Virtual Moonbat:

(To chat with the Autorantic Virtual Moonbat, just type anything (or nothing) in the field below, and click "ENTER.")

DSH: Who's worse at JoeUser; the left, or the right?

AVM: "Left"!!!! We can say goodbye to free money!!!! Been there, done that! As you no doubt know, I am not one of Kenneth Lay's team of errand boys! Down with destruction.

DSH: OMG, I can't believe you said left.

AVM: "Left"!!? By THE prophet's beard!! What ABOUT support for the arts!!!!? What about public broadcasting and peace for the 24,329 transgendered vegans who are silenced every single day by our emperor!? The head WARMONGER's War Against WINDMILLS must end now!

DSH: But aren't Dr. Miller and Dr. Guy assholes?

AVM: Why do you say "assholes"!!? I reject sleaze and imperialism!!! Down with censorship and murder. I hate you!!! Say no to religion!!!!

DSH: What about the lefties like Myrrander and Dabe?

AVM: "Leftie"!! What next? Power to the Arabs!!!

DSH: Is Little_Whip an evil skank?

AVM: Why do you say LittleWhip. Power to the Canadians. As a lesbian, like I've said I am bonkers!!!? When the wingnuts say "strong leadership," they really mean "torture"! When they say "freedom," it is just a code word for "war"!!!!

DSH: Yes! Power to the Canadians!

AVM: Interesting that you should mention "CANADIANS"!!!? Bob Novak!? Tim Blair!!! I can't tell one servant for this administration from the other!! Oh, come on.

DSH: You mean Tony Blair?

AVM: Your hero Tony Blair scares me!!!! Unlike Rupert Murdoch, I am not in love with neocolonialism. Holy MATRIMONY, indeed?

DSH: I hate it when lefties say "indeed". I fuckin' hate it.

AVM: Leftie!? Bu$h only wants Abu Ghraib for the oil! (If only there were oil in Iran!!!) IMHO!!!! In other words, Ward Churchill's book, "Tens of Millions of Lies about Saber-rattling," should be required reading for Rethuglicans like you!! As a forest, logically I am mimpy!!!

DSH: David St. Hubbins is an asshat.

AVM: Hubbins, indeed. Judeo-Christian values, indeed!!!! I'm certain, I am not one of John Bolton's cult of slaves!! IMO, Sean Hannity is nothing but a tool of THE Coast Guard!!
on Jun 13, 2005
on Aug 13, 2006
over a year later, and after reading back through the past blogs i can but agree with your sentiments (and texas wahine's for that matter) calor. there appears to be a mean spirit that moves through joeuser blogs around anything political and it is decidedly rightwing. that is not to say that liberals cannot fall prey to ad hominem arguments. it is to say that there is a clique biasness which is unappealing. perhaps that is why the debates here have become so onesided. why would one choose to be around people like this?
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