An alternative view on life, politics, and computers
Calor's Articles » Page 4
September 26, 2003 by Calor
    Thanks to some bad luck and the free market, we nearly destroyed our planet in the 20th century. No, I'm not talking about atomic bombs, I"m talking about how we seriously nearly died. Hardly anyone knows about it because it's not "sexy" news.    One man named Mr. Thomas Midgley invented two things in his illustriious (disastrous) career: 1) Chlorofluorocarbons and 2) Leaded Gasoline     Today, we enjoy his two inventions on a daily basis. There is roughly 700 times more lead in...
September 24, 2003 by Calor
    On raining evenings such as tonight I visit favorite websites like JoeUser and time after time I see Draginol (webmaster of JoeUser) sharing his right wing techie thoughts of the world. Hey, good for him. It's a free country and it's his site. I'm delighted that is now open to others to contribute to it. I can still get the pure, unadulterated Draginol stuff on his home page . Even better, thank goodness, that other points of view can make their way to the home pag...
September 9, 2003 by Calor
When we last left of, 16 year old Clark Kent had just caused the death of the Kent's ownborn child. But as if that weren't enough, he voluntarily put on a class ring with red kryptonite on it which tends to make him not such a nice guy and fled to Metropolis. Meanwhile, Lex Luthor's plane had gone down somewhere without us knowing who had caused the crash. How will Clark recover from all this? How does Lex make it back? That's the big question and it's going to be interesting to see how th...